Regardless of the level of skills, all riders want and can participate in competitions. Riders of our club are no exception. We organise competitions in our club and also travel to competitions in other clubs.

Organizing Requirements

Administration and control of the "Olympic Startup" competitions are held by Equestrian Association "Professional Equestrian League" (PEL Association).


  1. How to register competitions in the calendar

  2.  Responsibility of the organizing Club

  3.  Obligations of PEL Association

  4.  Mandatory qualification requirements

  5.  Mandatory technical conditions


  1. How to register competitions
    To register and organize the "Olympic Startup" competition in your club, you need to send an official letter to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The letter must include the following information:

    1. The name of the club
    2. Address of the club
    3.  The planned date of the competition
    4.  Contact person (phone number and e-mail, by which we can establish contact with you)
    5.  The expected number of participants of the competition from the organizingClub, indicating the categories and ages
    6.  Number and qualification level of the club's coaches
    7.  Membership fees of PEL Association paid by the club

The club's application can be submitted through an electronic Google form, if such an opportunity is provided.
We will consider the possibility of holding your competitions on the specified dates and will contact you as soon as possible.
After agreeing on the date of the competition, it is registered in the calendar plan of PEL Association.


  1. Responsibility of the organizing Club
    1. The submitted application is considered as a formal agreement of the organizingClub to comply with the rules of the competition, set out in the Regulations of the "Olympic Startup".
    2. The organizermakes the draft of the competition  Schedule according to the template. The judges and secretary must be from the PEL Directory of Officials and have the appropriate category.
    3. The organizerhas to confirm the Schedule with PEL “Olympic Startup” coordinator.
    4. It is necessary to compare and agree upon the conditions of the sponsors of PEL and sponsors of the organizing Club if there are any.
    5. The Club agrees to cover all financial costs related to the competition
    6. The Club provides hospitality for competition officials, pays their fees according to the PEL standards.Travel expenses of the officials are to be covered by the Club.
    7. The Club ensures the preparation of documents for all competition participants (informs parents, involves the insurance company, etc.)
    8. The Club provides all participants with valuable prizes.
    9. The Club uses all PEL advertising materials for awarding
    10. The Club provides PEL with at least 10 photographs of the competition.
    11. The Club sends the technical results of the competitions to PEL within 5 days after the end of the competitions.

  2. PEL responsibility
    1. PEL confirms and publishes the Schedule of the competitions on PEL electronic resources
    2. PEL advertises the competition to attract more participants
    3. PEL creates a Google form for receiving applications from participants and forms a start protocol
    4. PEL provides the Club with award symbols in the amount corresponding to the starting protocol (medals, cups and rosettes)
    5. PEL registers the results of the competitions and calculates the OS points of all participants
    6. PEL publishes information about the competition on all relevant planforms
    7. PEL attracts sponsors, provides the Club with texts for the speaker, provides consulting assistance to the organizer, meets with the parents of the participants, etc.
    8. Assists in the selection officials for the competitions

  3. Mandatory qualification requirements for the organizing Club
    1. Previous positive experience in conducting Olympic Startup competitions is desired
    2. If the Club organizes OS competitions for the first time all coaches of the Club should pass the seminar of the Olympic Startup program
    3. Stewards and assistants on the ground should be instructed carefully by the PEL technical delegate before the competitions

  4. Mandatory technical requirements
    1. Equipment and provision of the office of the organizing committee (tables, chairs, computer, printer, paper, internet)
    2. Provision of medical assistance during the competition (invite a doctor or ambulance)
    3. Provision of properly prepared competition and warm up fields, obstacles with safety cups and a dressage arena with letters
    4. Workplaces and microphones for the judges
    5. Writers for the judges, stewards (invite)
    6. Arrangement of the area for spectators
    7. Speaker, music arrangement (invite)
    8. Parking for the spectators’ cars
    9. Organization of catering if necessary